Thursday, June 14, 2007

Great things happen when you're wasting time. . .

Now, I will be the first to say that MySpace is a hideous timesucker more than anything else.

However, while playing around on it last night this happened.

I looked at Lindsay's page, then I looked at her song by Rue Royale, which I had already heard and loved, however I decided I wanted to hear some more. So I proceeded on to their MySpace, which led me to find this!

Rue Royale for Free at the Uncommon Grounds!!!!!!!!!


Nate and I had just been at an Open Mic night where I had the privilege of hearing Liz Young and Mattie Shottick on their respective guitar and banjo. It was lovely and made me miss going to live music. I just haven't made it a priority and part of my lazy self has been like, "Well, Cornerstone will fill me up soon and for awhile."
Not True!

You can never have enough.

So, luckily Lindsay is still in town so we will go and have a girls night, which will give us FREE music and do good things for the environment in the process.
Could it get any better?
I'll have to update if we try the "Treetinis"

attempting to stay in grace


Anonymous said...

*happy sigh*

Miles said...

Give this girl a little html knowledge and she goes crazy!

Good times...:)