However, the way the tan went was this.
I went and had it and it was fine while I was getting it, interesting fact is that the lady who did it used to do all the body makeup for Playboy shoots.
I think I was the first seminarian's wife she had done to say the least. :) Yet it is so interesting how God can use you in the funniest/most awkward of situations.
The first day they spray you 3-4 shades darker than you will be once it sets and you shower.
This day is why I won't do it again, or when I do I will do it at night, go to bed and not go out the next day.
I looked like an oompa loompa that was melting the ENTIRE day.
And this is an understatement.
Plus I had to worry about my bra strap digging in, wearing my purse on the same shoulder for too long, and when it started raining, I literally did start running!
After I showered it off it was much better but because of the first oompa loompa day I just had a complex about it.
Now three days later I am happy with it. Everyone has loved it, and thought it looked so real.
The only negatives are that I washed my face as hard as I normally do and scrubbed most of the color off. So I am having to overcompensate with bronzer. Also, my feet are losing color a little oddly because of wearing socks and tennis shoes.
Basically, it seems to be too high maintenance of a procedure for me.
But I will think about it again if I time it right.
I also wonder if it wouldn't have been better had I not gone from transparent to so so tan.
price-$55.00 plus tip
time-50 minutes (including really really boring drying time)
should last 2 weeks with excessive moisturizing and not a lot of scrubbing.
Overall rating- 4 out of 5 beauty bits
(I am going to start rating more beauty products/services, becasue, why not?)
attempting to stay in grace
so glad to hear about it!!!
and YES to rating more beauty products & services! i'll try to join you.
you look great in the pic!
mere, so good to talk to you today!
i just ordered 2 copies of Irrestible Revolution with a borders gift card i found while cleaning our desk.
so don't worry about getting me one! i got one for keith and me and one for my WIU bff ashley, whom i'm very excited about you meeting @ cornerstone.
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