Monday, July 9, 2007



Cornerstone=The closest we may ever get to heaven on earth.

I miss everyone desperately. That short term experience of true community was amazing yet has become agonizing because it made me realize what it means to have it, this thing we are called to live in and God calls us to it because of how it fills our souls.

I don't really know how to share any one experience, and it would take hundreds of posts to even come close.

It is sort of like when you feel that there are no words to describe God's love.
So I think I will leave it at that.
A glimpse of heaven.

Besides that, it has never felt so good to be thrown around, shaken up, and slammed against a wall spiritually.

We are not called to comfort as Christians. The only comfort we can receive is through Jesus Christ, and I for one am ready to get uncomfortable for the sake of his name.

Anyone with me?

attempting to stay in grace


nataliemma said...

WOO! Girl, I'm with you. Please share thru your blog as much as you want. Despite the of miles, lets attempt at community and sharing.

I'll try to blog again maybe at work tomorrow :) I'll try to be consistent. Have you figured out how to have "feeds". I'm still at a loss.

Anonymous said...

Me! [raising hand]