Tuesday, September 11, 2007

now. . . I wait.

I made the call. So now I wait until Thursday for the meeting. And I am doing surprisingly well. I told the church secretary about it and I think she felt like she was let in on this huge secret and felt special. I also told the rents which was a risky move if you know how things are there right now with issues of what to do with my life.

What I am amazed at is that I made the call. And that I didn't say UM (could be that I wrote out a script for myself, or something like that). And that I have never been more sure that the outcome doesn't matter. I don't have any butterflies just a sense of peace. But also a sense of peace that isn't me claiming success with the meeting, just a "Hey God, I'm here in your hand, so lets go for a ride".

God and me are hitting the road.

But that doesn't mean I know where we will end up!

And I don't know if I would want to.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

mere, that's so awesome--how you feel about it all.

that's SO the best place to be!

"Be of good courage...and may the LORD do what seems good to him" (2 Sam. 10:12)